First WCC TT - Thursday July 15th, 6:30pm, Crowsfoot course!

Thank you Jason.
I tried sending you a couple personal emails to make sure you didn’t show up last night… and check if you were in - but the emails bounced back.
You’re in for Sunday, see you then.
thank you

Good morning all,
Looks like we have a great group of riders signed up for the TT on Sunday morning. There will be plenty of spots for this event due to the opening of the province to Step 3… so please feel free to sign-up if you’re interested. If the forms are full because they haven’t been reset to new limits, please DM me or reply to this forum thread and we’ll get you on the start list.

For all the folks attending, I will kindly request that you don’t bring spectators to the start/finish area… as there is limited space and with the large number of riders already attending, it would be a little too crowded. Spectators can watch from the sideroad (I believe that’s Cox Creek) about 1km from the start - where most drivers park. I would also appreciate if you wear a mask at the start area while waiting to start, as social distancing will be a challenge. Please come see me when you arrive at the start so I can do the screening with you as well (yeah, yeah - I know… but it’s a requirement by the Province for holding this event).

Thank you all and see you Sunday morning!


I have edited Calendar Item for the event under *Ride Planning/Signup for so it appears in our Upcoming Events for Sunday.

You can indicate you are attending on this item, but it is not required.

4 posts were split to a new topic: First WCC TT - Sunday, July 18 - Results

Good afternoon all,
It was an absolutely fantastic morning for a Time Trial. The weather in my opinion was absolutely perfect, Sunshine, NO clouds, light winds, and perfect temperature. Maybe the humidity was a little high, which makes the air kind of heavy to move through. It was still an amazing day as the wind was NW which means a slight cross headwind going out and a nice tailwind coming back… which resulted in many PB’s and some very fast times.

We apologize for having to change the date, but I think we can all agree that the weather this morning was far superior to what would have been experienced on Thursday night. We had 4 people cancel from the original sign up group, and 4 extra people sign up for today’s start. I then had 1 person cancel late last night (because a butter tart ride sounded better than suffering in a TT :wink:), and 1 no-show this morning (missed you Tom - hope to see you next time.)

As you can see, the results above show some very fast times and great results. I want to give a huge applause to Sean Ryans… this was a truly inspirational ride after having a organ removed 3 months ago. Congrats Sean!!! Wonderful race against the clock!

Thank you all for your cooperation in pulling off this event. Also thank you for attending and giving your legs a hard effort. It was wonderful to see all of you again… and hope we get to see you again soon.
Stay tuned for the next event… hopefully soon!
Kevin S.