WCC Vintage Time Trial - circa 1971

Having just ridden my first 2024 TT I thought I might share some WCC history from 1971. The attached photo is myself riding a March TT on HWY #86 just West of HWY #7. These were 25 mile events using the #86 to Elmira and return. There were no stops at the time and little traffic on a Sunday. My father - with clipboard - is assisting the timekeeper.

Note: My original Marino wool WCC jersey, it was green with white lettering. Wool socks over riding shoes with cutouts for cleats. My original steel Mercier bicycle from France.


This is very cool. Thanks for posting. It looks like you’re wearing sweat pants? And interesting to see the helmet too - I’m guessing they weren’t common at the time - many riders probably went without?
Can you clarify a bit more on the route? What was the start/finish point?

Edit: I see #86 west of #7, over near Guelph.
Thanks again.

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Hi Johnny, good questions. Yes, because of the temperature we were in track pants over our riding shorts with their actual lamb leather chamois lining. The helmet is the standard at this period and actually worn by all of us at club events and mandatory for racing under OCA CCA rules at the time.

These events ran from the top of a rise just west of the Guelph Auto Mall 12.5 miles to the cemetery just east of Arthur Street in Elmira, then return leg. Actually on this day I recorded a time of 1:05:18 so about 37kph for the TT. Young me was faster than current me!


Do you still have the bike?

I looked at your profile… So you were 16 at the time of this photo? And did 37kph for 25 miles. (while wearing sweat pants and work socks). Wow.

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So cool! Thanks for sharing.

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Sorry Johnny, the bike is long gone it was upgraded to a Grandis Campagnolo equipped for Junior racing. Wish I had them both. Good memories.

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