LCW OCA Time Trial Race - Aug 8th

Hi everyone,

Chris Pollett and Amy White from London Centennial Wheelers (LCW) are hosting an OCA sanctioned Time Trial Race on August 8th.

There are two course options. A short course 25km race and a long course 47km race located out near Port Burwell. (Which has a nice beach and shops to visit after the race)

There are different categories based on aero versus non-aero and ability level.

Lorie and I raced the long course last year and it’s amazing. Smooth roads, quiet, nice rollers and we hit the beach with the kids afterwards.

You can race with either a UCI license or a Citizen permit.

Hoping we can have good WCC representation at this event. You can support by registering and by spreading the word. Let’s help our friends in London have a successful race!


Image showing categories etc:



LCW hosted a great event yesterday and WCC and Faction represented well!

Here is the link to results and a few pictures attached: Results