Woohoo for Daylight savings time - Wednesday gravel

Lovely ride last night, and made even better by having sunlight for the majority of the ride.

We had close to a dozen riders out last night enjoying the warmth and the mostly dry gravel roads. We more-or-less had two groups, though with plenty of pauses to regroup and re-form. At the split, we ended up with 4 riders taking on the longer course. Andrew did manage to catch us, and thanks to Jon and Andrew, the fast group was fast enough that we caught up to the intermediate group on the way back along Carmel-Koch.

Sunshine and dry pavement as we paused to regroup along Berlett’s:

I just managed to capture the end of the great sunset at the west end of the route. 109 road and hwy 43, not far from the Stratford Airport, at 7:30 PM