Thurs July 6 Rec gravel ride follow up

Hi ya’all. We lucked out tonight with the weather. Thanks to @Bikedawn and @bill for keeping an eye on the radar for us. :heart:

We delayed the start to 6:30 pm and although we had a couple teeny tiny sprinkles, the rain cleared the humidity so the temperature was perfect. Also it’s amazing how much the gravel allows the rain to drain so we did not have any big puddles to worry about tonight.

However, as @barbara mentioned tonight, you definitely need 2 bottles of water these days in order to stay hydrated.

Thanks to @ReneH and @team_q for joining us. It’s really nice to be able to meet and re meet folks on our rides.

I also learned that if I make any changes to the “event section” AFTER riders have acknowledged they are participating or not, that everyone gets ghosted and needs to re-acknowledge. Whoopsie on my part, but now I know.

So in the future, if a ride is cancelled or the time changes, I’ll just comment and everyone should get a notification of the change.

We are riding again on Saturday at 9:30 am and I hope we get a good turnout. :partying_face:

Here was tonight’s route and I think @bill has a couple of pics he will post.


thanks for the ride. I had fun!

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What a great ride! It is awesome to have so many out with the conditions Patti described. We seemed to be in a bubble of good weather, clouds in the distance in all directions.

As @Ddawdy once said, nothing like a good gravel ride to wash away the nonsense of the work week.

Thanks @PattiDennison and everyone for being there. I needed that!