Volunteers required to help run the forum

If you are interested in helping us run the forum we will be looking for help.

People will be needed to help administer the site. If you have technical abilities and are interested let us know.

People will be need to help make sure the site runs smoothly. Moderation, or answering question of members who need help.

People will be needed to just post cool fun things and start conversations! Please help with this!!!

Hi @Steven_Stillaway,

I would eventually like to be able to help on the technical side, but am still over committed. If you are doing training sessions please include me so I can start learning, but don’t schedule a session around me as it will be some time before I will be able to get hands on.


Sounds good Bill, I will keep you informed.

I am hoping for more volunteers but it is what it is. I am going to push ahead. Without more volunteers what we do with the forum could be affected though.

Hi Steven

I am happy to help post things/start discussions (already used a post in the Track category to familiarize myself with text formatting and links).

I even have a few good lengthy emails(with useful links!) from last year in our small track group that can provide some background around track racing too (types of races, etc)!

I could help moderate/keep an eye out for questions… primarily in the track category (if that’s how you plan on splitting things up).

Unfortunately I don’t have enough experience to provide any technical forum support.


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Hi Steven,

So I think you’ve identified 3-4 areas. Is this correct?

  • Administrators: these people probably know about web stuff and have control of the site - in terms of presentation/content and also managing users; this would be a small number of trusted people

  • Moderators: these people help keep discussions on track, and would sometimes actively adjust/remove content; this requires a larger number of trusted people (what is your goal here?)

  • Participants: these people are helpful in replying to posts and also starting new posts. Hopefully this will be everyone :slight_smile:

Honestly, I hope the goal here is nothing – as in I hope the moderators need to do nothing! I think our community will be pretty civil and we will have zero problems, but I could be wrong.

We will be open to the public, so perhaps we will get some users who will need a polite talking too. Beyond that the main thing I for see is moving topics or splitting to put things into categories.

The admins may not be able to keep up on every topic thread so some volunteers to help watch would be good.

The one other thing I see volunteers helping with is answering peoples questions about how the forum works.

We are not expecting a lot, but a few people to help out would be appreciated.

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I’m sorry - I just meant goal for how many volunteers, maybe how many more are needed.

I was hoping that answering people’s forum questions would just happen naturally because people are helpful :slight_smile: But maybe you’re pointing out that it takes a special volunteer who has read the docs :wink:

Do you want to edit my post with your description fixes? :slight_smile: (And maybe remove these followups?)

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Personally i always like conversations. This is life - - we talk back and forth with each other.

I am truly hoping this forum will promote more of that AND in particular I am hoping we can have more conversations about what the Board is doing with our members!

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I am happy to help in any capacity.

Karl Spangler

Awesome @kspangler – I will be in touch!

I can help with the technical stuff as well.

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