Tour de Norfolk July 21st: 100km riders?

Not to take anything away from Kerry’s original post (Le Tour de Norfolk - Sunday, July 21, 2024 - #14 by CWilson), but I wanted to start a thread for people who are thinking of doing the 100km route.

Last year we had >25 WCC riders doing the 100km route, and we stuck together as one bunch which made for a fast and fun ride. The 100km route starts at 8:30am which should put us back to the Delhi Community Centre by about noon.

If you’re thinking of doing the 100km route, please reply below so we can gauge numbers. Mainly so people know that they will have a group to ride with, but also in case there’s some post-ride food provided :wink:

Here are some photos from last year:


Last year was very fun! I’m fairly sure I’ll be joining for the 100k this year.


I’m planning for the 100km and signed up for the spaghetti lunch too :spaghetti:

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I’m interested in riding the 100km.

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Sorry @bdoberst, not trying to take over the 100K thread either, but think it may be valuable to create a poll for everyone to indicate what distance they’re intending to ride. Hopefully having visibility to who’s riding will drive a bit more interest over the coming week and allow for coordination in the way of groups, departure time, carpooling, etc.

Which distance will you be riding at Tour de Norfolk 2024?
  • 40/75KM
  • 100KM
  • 160KM
0 voters

I’ll be there in WCC gear, but doing the 75k with my wife Charlene who tends to tap out around 75-80. There is a chance my sister joins in which case I’ll switch to the 100 with this group while they do 75

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Looks like at least 22 people so far in the Poll above.

And since many are paying cash on the day, you can decided based on who you see in the groups and how you are feeling on the day. And just like the beginning of every Saturday road ride, I suspect there may be some trading up and down the distances.

As I said to @CWilson in the other TdN post…

“Last year we all rolled out together. Super calm, easy, chatting, stopping, soaking it all in. Later…along the water with a tail wind…some felt the need for speed before the first rest stop. We all re-goruped there for cookies and chips. 160 is long…but not within a large peloton. The miles fly by. As long as there are alot of WCC people riding, it always seems to work out.”


Looks like the weather will co-operate and…wait for it…the light winds will pick up as we swing back up towards home :hushed:


Perfect! Just like last year…

Did everyone note the change in the start/finish change

NEW FOR 2024

Start/finish at the Delhi German Home, 443 James St., Delhi, Ontario. Lots of free parking.

What time are people arriving there? And I’m assuming best to wear WCC kit so I can find other riders?

Last year I recall arriving at about 7:45am in order to register, and then assembling out front for a WCC group-up/photo, and then departure at 8:30am (for the 100km route). And yeah, wearing WCC kit makes it a lot easier to identify other WCCers!

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Thanks Brent. I’ll aim for that timing and be there in green.


