Come and explore picturesque backroads and quaint villages as you cycle with over 800 cyclists throughout Norfolk County, Ontario. All routes are on quiet, paved roads. The start/finish is in Delhi, Ontaro.
Choose from 40, 75, 100 and 160 km routes with rest stops every 20-25 km, complete with snacks and refreshments. After the ride cool down with some ice cream and a dip in the outdoor pool.
Le Tour de Norfolk is for all ages and all abilities. Riders are encouraged to ride at their own pace. We take care of everything, so all you have to do is ride your bike and enjoy the scenery and companionship of other riders.
An open invitation to the WCC Intermediate and Group 3 road riders, a number of us, weather permitting, are going to head down to Delhi and ride the 100 km Tour de Norfolk on Sun. July 16. It’s a beautiful area of the province to ride in, flat roads and good groups form. We plan on riding at about a 31 - 32 km pace overall average speed and if interested in riding please plan on meeting up at the front of the Delhi Community Centre for 8:15 am. It would be great to see lots of WCC or Cycle Waterloo riders take advantage of this event to show our support. In years previous to covid we always had some awesome WCC groups form and enjoy the ride together. Please note bring cash for registration. If you have questions please feel free to e-mail me - Malcolm
I rode this event last year. It is more like a Sunday coffee ride (not a race). Well organized. The route is flat. I ended up finishing solo 160 kms as the speed was relatively low even for the front group. I would say, for any group 1 rider, the front would be like Z2 training. The food was great and lots of stops on the way. Great day for endurance training
I hurt my ankle running while on vacation but I’m hopeful it will be okay for the Sunday. Maybe we should do a chart like for other events we have done in the past to show who is going and maybe organize ride sharing?
Assuming I’m able to make it I have space for another bike on the rack
Back in 2012 when I was Prez we bought an early version of a GoPro and recorded many of our club rides along with photos to convince people to join us in the future. I didn’t expect to use them this far in the future!
Here is the video we took of the WCC at 2012 Tour de Norfolk (11 years ago). @bdoberst took the video and I edited it for the WCC YouTube Channel.
Forgive the music…I was into Men Without Hats… and couldn’t help playing with all the filters and video effects. . But you get the idea…
Note that we all wore the blue Tour de Waterloo jersey’s to look like a team on the road and to support/advertise upcoming Cycle Waterloo events.
Also note that many of these riders form what are the core G3/2 riders today, back when we were one big group called the Train Of Pain (TOP) from 2008-2016.
P.S. @Brian this is a great thread for engaging the membership. Keep posting pics and stories. They tell the story of the people, the ride and experience. Before there was STRAVA and GPS bike computers.
P.S. We used to post all pictures in the WCC Flickr Album so that people could upload and share the photos from rides and events and post the link to pics here. Helped centralize, share and archive the images for all time. Hence, why you can still access and post them decades later. Click the image to link to the album.
Hope your ankle heals up before Sunday. I don’t know how to post a WCC event but also plan on again mentioning the Tour de Norfolk at the Thursday night ride. I know right now: Del, Corrie, Kevin S, Brent D, Russel (weather permitting), me and hopeful a couple of others are going to ride.
Hit your ankle with heat and get the blood flowing down there !
I guess I can post a ride under the rides section but I think that is for “official” WCC rides only?
@KGale and @MarkW am I allowed to post a ride for the tour de Norfolk in the rides section and thus create an event? I’m not sure discourse has been configured to allow events to be created anywhere else.
I’m assuming no response means me posting it is okay
Unrelated, they just posted the routes. I know @Msteven you mentioned a lot of the regulars are doing the 100kms but is there any interest in the 160km? The 160km has a lot more road on the coast and I’m a sucker for riding near water!
Yeah @EricR looks like the weather might be less than ideal first thing so the later start on the 100 km might mean we avoid that. Plus we get a bit of extra time in bed The event is running even if it rains though!
My Sunday was booked but may be opening up now. Will know by Saturday for sure. If I go, I will likely do the 75km route. If I feel really good maybe the 100 km