200km+ ride to Port Dover

Hello everyone!

We are planning our 2nd 200km+ ride for the summer. This time we are hoping to ride to Port-Dover.

We will start somewhere in Kitchener (probably by Conestoga College in Doon) and we will mainly use the Cambridge to Paris trail and the LE & N Rail Trail on our way there and we might take side roads on our way back to make it more interesting.

Given that there are a lot of very interesting rides happening in August, including the Gravel Excursion potentially on August 11th and the Water Cycles ride in Elora on August 24th, @dnair and I were thinking to do this ride either on August 3rd or August 31st.

We are opening a poll to see people’s interest and preferences:

  • August 3rd
  • August 31st
  • Both options work for me
0 voters

Happy riding!


Please note that this is an Unofficial ride :slight_smile:

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Why unofficial? We have done official rides to Port Dover before.

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Thats because this is not a sanctioned WCC ride. I am not sure of the technicalities on what makes a ride official though

@dnair the route is fine but you would need a trained ride leader to make it official. You might be able to access the ride leader material. Not sure about the protocol though.


Thank @JimDaley for the explanation. @Bikedawn since Valentina and I have not gone through that process/training, we kept this Unofficial

@dnair I am looking into a way to fast track you and @valentinacastilloc get F you are interested.


That would be great! Thank you! :smiley:

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I am camping until Saturday but I will get you the deck on Sunday. @valentinacastilloc ket me know if you are interested.


Yes, please! That would be great. Thanks, Jim!


Great idea @valentinacastilloc and @dnair! In case you haven’t seen it, there is a route in the WCC Ride with GPS library similar to your idea Cambridge to Port Dover with Win-del Velodrome · Ride with GPS.

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I was just about to say. We did that route a few years ago and it’s a really good one!

Riding around Windel Velodrome is really cool! And they have a water cooler (at least 2 years ago).


Note that if anyone wants to do this as a two-day/overnight ride (which is what I’m considering) there are relatively inexpensive hotels in Simcoe at the 115kms mark. This would leave 85kms for the Day 2 ride back to Kitchener.

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In fact, this is the route we have in mind. Looks pretty fun


Most of the people interested prefer to ride on August 31st, so we will plan to ride that day.

I’ll post the ride details in a couple of days but in the meantime save the date for August 31st!


Depending on the day I can be the ride leader I have the training and I have my first aid certification. Looks like it is shaping up to be the 31st.


There are routes already you can access. Let me know if you need help.

Hey everyone. Recently I posted the ride. In case you missed it, here is the link: https://forum.waterloocyclingclub.ca/t/wcc-port-dover-gravel-200kms/7314?u=dnair