The day is finally here. Now that Ontario has entered step 3, group rides are allowed to take place without the need for 2 or even 3 m spacing during the activity. As well, group limits are now 100 outdoors, so that pretty much means no more limits for us.
This means just about all of our normal activities will be coming back very soon, including road rides.
For this weekend, we’re working on getting some rides ready; the weather Saturday isn’t looking great, but Sunday is looking fantastic:
Blake and Jason are working on a classic Road Fondo ride, starting at the Sobey’s at Fischer-Hallman and Columbia (just like before
). It will likely split into two groups, one being Fast and the other Fast/Intermediate.
The Thursday night time trial has been moved to Sunday as well. We’ll have a new signup link out soon for anyone wanting to join. (If you registered for Thursday you’re on the list for Sunday already - Kev S has been in contact with everyone to confirm.)
Next week we’re planning to continue opening up more of our usual group activities. Watch for forum posts to the Ride planning/signup category. ( Note that this is a member-only section of the forum, if you’ve forgotten to get your 2021 membership you won’t have access. If all goes well and we get our volunteer ride leaders ready, we should have Monday MTB, Tuesday Bamberg loops, Wednesday Gravel and Rec road, and the Thursday Elora loop.
One last note: we do still have some special requirements while in step 3. The club must keep a record of all participants in an activity. That means we’ll still be using the Google Forms sign-up forms. Links will be in the ride posting as usual, you just need to fill in the form with your name and contact info. At the ride start, leaders will be confirming attendees are on the list and present, and will be conducting a COVID screening questionnaire.