Le Tour de Norfolk - Sunday, July 21, 2024

Last year @Sean_Ryans and I rode the 160k on our own. This year we had an awesome group of the rec road team who took on the challenge with us!

The day had a lot of ups and downs but the group supported each other and we completed the century ride together reaching the finish in just over 6hrs averaging around 27k an hour.

Congrats to those who accomplished their first imperial century and the powerhouses that kept us on track and spirits high! @Andrew_Meyer @blangshaw @carlsberg @CWilson @doris.jelacic @Sean_Ryans


Special thanks to Brent for your support and encouragement for my first 100K, we had a smaller group but mighty!


Why are we dedicating this to Rob btw?
Haven’t seen him lately.


Our beloved Rob Samide passed a couple of weeks ago.

He was a character, founder and leader at WCC.

And many of us rode with him at the Tour de Norfolk for the past decade or more.

So, we chatted him up and channeled our inner Samide all day. :heart:


Oh my. :disappointed_relieved:

I knew Rob from my work in tech world 30 years ago.