CX O-Cup #1 Hardwood

I think we’ve talked about Hardwood at all the practices lately. This is a reminder to those interested in going. For anyone that’s done it before you know what to expect, sand. If you haven’t, it’s a unique course and honestly one of my favorites. The two hour drive is a bit of a commitment, but maybe you can carpool with others going.

Registration closes Thursday at midnight.

Don’t forget to show up early, leave yourself lots of time to sign in, and get a couple easy laps of the course in before your race. If you’re the first race of the morning you might only get one, but if you race later try to arrive so you can jump on course in the time allowed between races then do sign in after while one of the early races is happening.

Registration link, tech doc and such can be found here.

Good luck to anyone going. Remember, it’s you vs the course. Just try to ride the sand sections a little smoother every lap and you’ll get faster.


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Since I’m not racing this year the SSCX leaders vest will get a new home. I was planning on bikepacking up to hardwood this weekend to give it away but plans have changed so is anyone able to bring it with them and make sure it gets either to the winner of the single speed race or just to someone who is hanging around until the end of the day so it can be passed on. I could drop it off tonight, early tomorrow before I leave town or Saturday afternoon once I get back.

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I wish I was going and could take it, or better yet wear it @CANGERMANN. I’m likely not going to get the chance this year as I can only attend Mad Cross next weekend and will miss Dam.

So far registrations are all around low for Hardwood, which is a shame, but hopefully the season picks up steam.

Rod D said he’ll be at Hardwood with Devin. I know @Sabrina will be there, it’s her first race! She’s new to cross this year, has come out to every practice and has more than the basics down pat.

I see @SeanBossie and @Arlambert are in E3, but I have a feeling they’ll be upgrading soon. @velodan is there in M1, maybe he can beat some of the local guys to a podium. @bike_daniells , you have to beat Vrooman, that’s your goal.

The KWCA tent will be the place to gather and chill. If there’s a bike wash, take advantage of it after your recon laps and don’t forget to bring a rag and some chain lube.

Have fun, I’m jealous, but I’ll make it out to some of the coming races.