C2C Training Spring Classes for SUSTAINABILITY (with Kelly Ellis)

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh said it and our C2C “blue zone” classes embrace it. The consistency of our sustainable training routine means that little by little, action by action, you have a realistic game plan that you can live by and live-up to. Consistency is far more important than volume and training that involves randomized routines is far less effective at getting you up the goal ladder than a training routine that flows and grows consistently, safely and measurably.

C2C’s Spring “Blue Zone” Classes will continue to provide consistent, purposeful movement that you need and will also keep you accountable to our very own “Zoom” tribe. CONSISTENT activity is arguably the most important component of a long & healthy life. Without consistency, programs are unorganized, the body has a harder time adapting, and forming habits becomes more challenging.

C2C’s “Blue Zone” Spring schedule continues to be a complete program with 4 different classes that work mobility, stability and strength at times that hopefully most can commit to. AND even if the class times don’t work with your schedule or you have to miss a live class occasionally, there is always the option of following the “recorded” version at a more convenient time for you.

Remind yourself daily of your intentions so you get started and don’t stop! Grab a few friends or family members who also need to establish a sustainable training routine of strength & prehab work so we all have more accountabl-i-buddies to smile back at us from the comfort of our Zoom Square! The spring schedule runs for 12 weeks beginning on Monday, March 10 and ending on Thursday, May 29, 2025.

Check out the Spring schedule below that will continue until the end of MAY and message me directly if you have any questions or want to get started (kellyellisbikes@gmail.com):

:sunglasses: Monday @ 5:30-6:15pm - Mobility & Core

:sunglasses: Tuesday @ 6:20-7:00am - Build30 Strength (bands, free weights & bench or chair)

:sunglasses: Wednesday @ 6:30-7:00am - RESTorative Mobility Flow

:sunglasses: Thursday @ 6:20-7:00am - Upper-body & Core (bands, free weights & stability ball)

Note: You must register on Zoom for each class that you would like to attend and payment of $5 per class per household (or $216 for unlimited classes over the 12 weeks) is to be made by etransfer to kellyellisbikes@gmail.com prior to attending. If you cannot attend a class live you will receive a link to the recorded class shortly after the class ends so you can fit it in at a convenient time.


WOW what a great opportunity to be a part of a accessible program, brought to us by a very accomplished cyclist who leads by example every time she clips in to the pedals. Count me in Kelly