WCC Road Race Series p/b Faction Racing - Race #3 - Aug. 11 2024

This Sunday is the third WCC Road Race. It’s a fun, low stress way to be introduced to racing and to give it your all against your club members. Come give it a try!

Here’s the post in the Ride section.

We’re starting up a C category for anyone that rides in WCC groups below group 3 or if you ride with group 3 but struggle to hang on.

TIME CHANGES! We’re going to bump the start times up (earlier) by 30 min and have two categories on the course at the same time separated by a couple minutes. Number of laps for A and B will depend on field sizes.

9 am - Learn to Race and C - 2 laps each
9:45 am - A (4-6 laps) B (3-4)

Please read over the race rules here.

You must fill out this sign-up form to enter the race.

If you don’t have previous racing experience then please respond here and we can help you out. Either a ride leader with race experience can vouch for you or you can come out to a qualifier ride, Tuesday Bamberg or Thursday Threshold, talk to the ride leaders and have them work with/observe you. Crit Practice is also starting up this week and will be the perfect place for members to learn race craft.


There is still time to sign up! Let’s fill up those categories!