WCC Road Race Series p/b Faction Racing - Race #2 - July, 14 2024

This Sunday is the second WCC Road Race. It’s a fun, low stress way to be introduced to racing and to give it your all against your club members. Come give it a try!

Here’s the post in the Ride section.

We now have a Learn to Race category that will start at 9:30 am and complete two laps of the course. This category will be given an intro to racing/tactics before they start and be accompanied by experienced racers. This is for anyone interested, come out and try!

The B race at 10:20 am will complete three laps (unless there is demand for four) of the course. The A race will start around 11:30 and complete six laps. There will be lap counters to remind everyone. Lapped riders finish on the same lap as the leader.

I’ll be there to go over the rules before the start of each race. Marshalls must be obeyed. If there is traffic at a corner where we don’t have the right-of-way then the race neutralizes approaching it, riders stop if they have to, then everyone allows the proper gaps to form after the intersection and racing only resumes after the 200m mark on the road.

**Please read over the race rules here . **

You must fill out this sign-up form to enter the race.

If you don’t have previous racing experience then please respond here and we can help you out. Either a ride leader with race experience can vouch for you or you can come out to a qualifier ride, Tuesday Bamberg or Thursday Threshold, talk to the ride leaders and have them work with/observe you. Crit Practice is also starting up this week and will be the perfect place for members to learn race craft.

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When do we have to sign up by? I’m hoping to make it but not sure if I can yet with work.

There’s no real deadline as long as you do. It’s nice if we know what attendance there will be for each category, but no worries, just sign up before your race anytime.

Hope you can make it out!


I’ll be there. It’s my first time racing but I ride with the WCC on Tuesdays and Thursdays in group 3 so I was thinking I should go in the “Learn to Race” category instead of the B race.


Great to hear you’ll be coming out Max. I’ve ridden with you a fair number of Thursdays and the odd Tuesday evening. You’ve been safe, predictable and got the hang of moving with the group during the various sprint sections.

I’d be happy to have you in the B race. Depending on who we have out for that category it still acts as a “Learn to Race”. We’ll chat about strategy and such before and likely during the race.

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Sure, I’ll ride B then. Thanks Mark!


We’re excited to have VeloHub app supporting the WCC Race series!! :mega::checkered_flag:

By downloading the VeloHub app and joining the race series group you’ll get all the important news and updates in realtime!

Join my group WCC Race Series on VeloHub! Follow this link WCC Series Race Group or join from the VeloHub Groups screen menu with this code: 328967.

You can download VeloHub here: VeloHub

As a Rider and Racer utilize all VeloHub’s features, including daily streak tracking, leaderboards, Tailwinds with Strava segments, leaderboards, and connect with other riders.”

The race countdown is on! See you Sunday!!

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