Track Super Cert - May 4-5

Want to get on the track to add it to your cycling/training plan?
Considering racing track next season?

Certification at Milton consists of two sessions (2 hours each) usually on different weekends. However, this coming weekend there is a Super Cert event where you can get it all sorted in one weekend!

If you have any questions, email …or post here, or send me a message and I’ll help!

If you’re on the fence about giving this a go, I’m also pretty good at persuading people! (As some in our club might confirm…)
Forecast for Saturday is looking pretty wet! :wink:


For certification argon 18 track bikes provided for free. I got my certification about a year ago and regret not listening to Tommy sooner.

Also faction has formed a track team for those interested Tommy knows everything.

Basically just do it