(Rec) Gravel Follow Up for Saturday June 24 2023

There was a pretty steady rain first thing this morning, but that had stopped and the roads were beginning to dry before ride time. All the gravel cultures were starting together today.

@Francqlife had a nice speech to send off the fast group on what will likely be @CANGERMANN 's last with us for a while. Best wishes Chris!

Just two Rec riders today.

It looked very threatening most of the ride,

We got a couple of drops in one brief period, it was muggy, we missed our fellow Rec rides and leader @PattiDennison, but still a great ride.

Hi @JimDaley @KevRidesGravel and members, Anything to add?


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness”.

I will write something up on the Forum about Young Mr. Angermann.

Today’s ride was a reflection of his life and times here at the WCC.

Bright eyed and excited about what possibilities lay ahead at the start. A slow realization that the path life lays out for you isn’t always smooth. And just when you think it’s all down hill and smooth roads, the heavens open up and rains fury upon you to let you know how truly insignificant you are.

But in the famous words of Sam Roberts.

“Stay true to your friends…cuz they’ll save you in the end”.


Well said Alain. That was one fun ride.

For whatever reason the song playing through my head at times during the ride was The Waters of March sung by Susannah McCorkle.

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Stealing a few pics from Kevin, Andrew, Dheeraj and Thiago to tell the full tale of that crazy wet ride this morning.