P2A 2023 Call for Volunteers

Below is a message from Mel, the P2A Volunteer Coordinator

P2A 2023 Course Marshals and Start Line Assistants Needed!

Hello Waterloo Cycling Club! My name is Mel Crosby and I’m the 2023 Paris To
Ancaster Volunteer Coordinator. I’m sure many of you are registered to ride or race P2A
on Sunday, April 30th, but for those of you who aren’t planning to ride, please consider
volunteering as a Course Marshal or Start Line Assistant! Both roles are ideal roles if
you want to be able to see club or family members off at the start or out on the course.
They are also ideal roles for friends or family members who similarly want to be out on
the course to cheer you on or wave you off at the start line.
As an added bonus, Start Line volunteers get VIP parking passes for the Start Line they
are working at and at the finish area. Course Marshals get VIP parking passes for the
finish area. If you are riding P2A, this means that your friend or family member could
easily drop you off at your start line and meet you back at the finish line!
If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering as a Course Marshal or Start
Line Assistant or if you would like additional information, feel free to either complete the
2023 P2A Volunteer Sign-Up Form: https://forms.gle/Q9oRrh2iuWCYJGHs5 or email
me at P2AVolunteer@gmail.com.
Hope to see you out there on the bike or volunteering!

Mel Crosby
2023 P2A Volunteer Coordinator

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