Mad & Dam Cross p/b WCC! Sept 14/15

Last year the club took over running a couple cyclo-cross races that happen in Woodstock. Dam Cross 2023 was a big success, building on previous attendance and seeing a ton of WCC members step up and volunteer over the weekend.

This year we’re doing the double header of Mad Cross, Regional on Sept 14, and Dam Cross, O-Cup on Sept 15. It’s the only full weekend I could arrange between our venue and Ontario Cycling. It’s crazy early and overlaps with Your Big Ride 2024, although there isn’t a lot of crossover between those two events.

If anyone is on the fence about doing Your Big Ride, go, do it and raise money for a great local charity. If you want to race cross and do the Big Ride you can! Just come out to Mad Cross on Saturday and do Your Big Ride on Sunday.

The Details.

Youth race for free!!! (U17, U15, U13)

Mad Cross - Entry fee: $40, early bird $30.
Dam Cross - Entry fee: $60, early bird $50.

If single speed is your second race of the day it’s only $20.

License requirements.

Elite 1/2 Women/Men and Master 1 Men require a Complete Membership or UCI License
All other categories need a Challenge Membership or higher to enter.

VOLUNTEERS!!! We need you!

These events don’t happen without the generous help of our club and others in the cycling community. If you can help even for a portion of a day it would be greatly appreciated. I know it’s not in town, but we’ll supply food, drinks, hugs, and if you are spending time volunteering and want to race we’ll give you a discount.

Below are links to the volunteer sign-up pages. Couse setup is on Friday, Sept 13 and we don’t need many people. Honestly 8-10 will make the day fly by, if you can show up for a few hours it would help a lot. As I mentioned before, if you can’t volunteer for a full day just let us know what you can do and we’ll divide jobs into shifts.

Course Setup

Mad Cross

Dam Cross

Registration, the tech doc and other info will be posted here as it comes out. Looking forward to another fun cross season and we get to kick it off with our races.

