Fantastic kick off to 2024 twilight gravel - recap

It has been tough breaking my weekday inertia resulting in a slow resumption of the twilight gravel ride for winter 2024. I did a couple of solo rides to practice my pre-ride routine. Ready or not, with the unbelievable forecast it was time to get things rolling. I’m so glad I did.

Is was so nice to have company on an evening ride.

The weather was fabulous. Temperature was double digits. It was clear enough to see the almost full moon.

But enough cloud for an impressive sunset. We started we grey in the west. It broke up enough to see yellow and peach.

Then orange.

The colour kept getting deeper.

Bob noted the “wrap around sunset” with interesting colours in all directions. After the sun was down there was just a sliver that was deep red like a glowing ember. We had the moon keeping an eye on us on one side and the sunset on the other.

I do enjoy celestial experiences like this. There are only a couple more weeks before we move back to daylight savings time. In looking at the weather for this week, I hoping for the next twilight gravel on Tuesday.