Women's Try A Road Ride June 3rd - LINK to Sign Up

Come join a group of rad ladies as we explore the roads (and bakeries) around the Waterloo Region on June 3rd. This ride is open to everyone, no club membership required, so invite your friends, family, neighbours to experience the joy of cycling at this casual and fun focused event.

Event sponsored by Ziggy’s Cycle & Sport.

When: Saturday June 3rd

Where: Meet in the NE Parking Lot at RIM Park (look for the Ziggy’s Tent)

When: 9:00am Arrival

9:00am-9:45am Gather, bike check from Ziggy’s Mechanics, Divide into Groups

9:45am Roll Out

SIGN UP → https://forms.gle/shRS8baYHB5rpgSt9


Looks like a great event. Ill be out of town though so wont be able to make it. Hope you have fun!

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You will be missed! Safe travels :slight_smile:

I signed up but have to bow out after all :sob: — hope a great time is had by all! Happy riding!

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Thanks for letting me know Lynn! You will be missed, hopefully we can ride together another time.