WCC TT #2 Wednesday June 5th!

Our next TT is coming up Wednesday June 5th!

Date: Wednesday, June 5th
Location: Streicher Line
Start Time: 7:00pm (Registration 6:30pm with Kevin S).
Estimated Finish Time: 8:00pm
Discipline: Time Trial
Culture: Open to all ability levels!
Approximate Distance: 14km

Start Location:

Streicher Line…This course is a beautiful out and back course just north of our WCC Bamberg loop. It’s mostly flat with a couple of rollers, crossing over a nice river and bridge with a safe turnaround to head back to the start.

Strava Segment

Please park on the North side of Manser road or Lichty and ride down to the start.

All ability levels are welcome. Any bike type is welcome as well (no e-Bikes). People have raced on road, TT, cross/gravel, MTB’s, hand cycles etc.

There are two categories “Aero” and “Road Bike”:

Anything goes (No UCI restrictions)

No clip on aerobars, no invisible aerobars/hands draped over the tops, no TT disc rear wheels, no TT specific helmet, (Aero road helmets are fine, skin suits are fine).

All bike types are welcome. If you have clip on aerobars or want to use invisible aerobars / hands draped over the tops on your road bike you can participate, you’ll just be slotted into the aero category.

Based on participant feedback we’ve moved the TT to Wednesday nights. We will also coordinate with Kevin Gibson to ensure we are aligning schedules with the monthly gravel TT as well. :slight_smile:

If you have specific questions prior to your ride please feel free to ask here.

Thanks and see you June 5th!

Chris and Kevin

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Good morning everyone,
If anyone is interested in doing the TT, please respond going to this post and post your expected finish time. The course is a flat 14km out and back with one small rise just before the turn around. All are welcome and I will slot you in to the appropriate start position based on time. I do have a large archive of past times, but your fitness level at the moment is important to…and I can’t judge that, only you can.

Also, the weather is looking very ugly for this coming Wednesday, so keep watch to this post as we may postpone to the following week.

Ride safe and see you on two wheels soon.

Kevin & Chris

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I will target 25:30:00


Aiming for 19:40 or better

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Aiming for 24:30.

Weather looking bad though :frowning_face:

Currently watching the weather and will post here if I’m going to make it out

Guestimating 28:00.
Hope the forecast for tmr is wrong :slight_smile:

20:00 or better :crossed_fingers:

Howdy, I would like to try the TT as it sounds very fun but haven’t done one before. I would probably be in the 30+ minute range. Can you confirm where exactly the start is?

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Good evening Ashley and everyone,
You’re very welcome to come out and suffer with the rest of the riders. Start location is 250m west of Hutchison Road on Streicher Line. Streicher Line is the first side road SW of Crosshill (towards Wellesley) heading NW.

The pin in the map is the start location. Parking can be had at either of the township buildings in Crosshill, or off the side of the road on Manser line just west of the start location.

Looking forward to meeting you and timing your effort.

Please keep an eye on this post though, as the weather is looking very poor. I will make the call by noon tomorrow. Lightning threat is a definite no go situation.



Hi everyone we are going to postpone the TT to next Wednesday due to the band of Thunderstorms coming through.

Thanks all and fingers crossed the weather is better next week!

Chris and Kevin


We made the right call…storm hit right at 7:15. I am glad we postponed until next week, didn’t want a repeat of a few years ago when the storm hit as we finished… Ride safe everyone and hope to see you out next week.

Chris, put up a new event for next week so people can sign up and submit their estimated finish times.

Thanks all,



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