πŸ‚ WCC Fall Social Tuesday, November 5th! πŸ‚

Come join us as we celebrate the 2024 season!
Doors open at 7:00pm with the β€œFormal” part of the evening (presentations, awards etc) starting at 7:30pm.
Pizza provided and a Cash Bar will be available.

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Count down is on!

You do NOT want to miss out on this year’s Fall Social . We are so excited to have the KWCA Bursary recipients along with their families attending to provide updates on how their 2024 season has gone and what they have coming up.

Larissa Pedersen, Teagan Gawne, Ronan Mantle & Jake McLean

Dear Kerry :

Sorry Cannot make the social

Thank you for a great season, I am a new member and I am very grateful to Bill and Dawn for their terrific rides

Have a great time
