Poll for Tuesdays

Dear Club and All Precious Members,

Most of you may have heard of or participated in the recent excellent discussions about Tuesday rides.

Several weeks ago a poll was thrown up for our Gravel Riders to choose their preference of Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for riding Fastermediate Gravel.

This poll was written in such a way that appeared to misrepresent the entirety of the club, with the inability for everyone to add their vote which would truly reflect whether the majority of the club think its a good idea to introduce a competing ride on Tuesdays.
Just look at the comments in that topic (thank you all for your input) and you will see how it is a hot debate.

Ultimately, the Board of Directors took the results of this poll and announced Gravel Rides will start up on Tuesdays.
Yes the Board of Directors had long discussions and did not make the decision lightly.
Despite their best intentions, there are many in the club who were not contacted in any way by the Board of Directors and were not actively heard by the Board of Directors.

I am raising this anonymous poll to see where the interest truly lies.
What is your most preferred option for Tuesday rides?
(Anonymous so please vote away and do not worry about anyone knowing your preference).

  • Gravel - Fastermediate
  • Gravel - Other (Rec, Fast etc)
  • Road - HIIT Bamberg Loops
  • Road - Touring (Usually begins first Wed of July)
  • Both - Will alternate between Road HIIT and Gravel Fastermediate depending on my mood
  • Other (Please explain in comments)
0 voters


Would you ride Road - HIIT Bamberg Loops IF YOU KNEW there will always be lots of people there who match your ability, or nearly the same as your ability?

  • Yes
  • I will ride regardless of how many people usually show up
  • I won’t ride no matter how many people show up
  • Not sure
  • Other (Please explain in comments)
0 voters


Do you think the success of Road - HIIT Bamberg Loops depends on having lots of people consistently showing up for the ride?
Do you think having lots of people and lots of groups are attractive for yourself so if you get dropped you can quickly join a group approaching from behind?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure
  • Other (Please explain in comments)
0 voters


Do you think it would be helpful for yourself and others to have ALL RIDES starting at the same location and at the same time on each day?
Do you think this would reduce confusion as to where to go and help you to find people of your ability?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure
  • Other (Please explain in comments)
0 voters


Thank you so much for your valuable time and input!

Scott B

A mistake on the first poll… Touring should say first Tuesday of July, not Wednesday.

Scared if I edit it then the poll will get wiped… so I’ll leave it. Sorry for the confusion!