P2A Pre-Ride…

Good day. Anyone interested in pre-riding the P2A 100k route sometime before the race?

Hmm, this got me thinking. I’m signed up for Adopt-a-road this Saturday. Perhaps I could make a ride for Sunday, then. :thinking:

Here’s the recon route we did last year.
Note: the race day course goes over some private land. We can’t pre-ride any of the private land. There’s been issues in previous years, leading to riders getting removed from the race, and landowners taking away their land for race use.

I’ll have to look at last year’s race, but I think it was pretty much the same as 2022’s course. I’ve made sure to keep this course to public roads and trails.

Thanks for the route link! I’d be in for Sunday….

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P2A has posted a 100km pre ride course as well.

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Dan, speaking with Joe Monks - we’re planning of doing the official p2a preride Sunday morning (930 start?), from Paris to Ancaster - then stop for a quick lunch, followed with an easy road ride back to Paris. Approx 145k total.
Aiming around the 25kph mark, but some efforts on some hills. He’s going to work on a combined route, and will post that in a little bit.

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Thanks Will! I’ll join you guys if you don’t mind!

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Hi Dan et al,

I’m can’t do the ride on Sunday because of work. Will you guys do any other rides either Monday or Friday prior to?

Hi Luke, I won’t be able to prior to the race. Sunday will be my only chance for a pre/ride. Have a good weekend…Dan

Thanks Dan. Enjoy and hopefully meet on race day.

Hey yall. I was talking with Dan and plan to attend as well. Just to confirm. Start point is at the fair grounds?


@matmanexc74 , yep. 9:30 at the Paris fairgrounds

Ride post is here:


Sounds good Luke…thanks.