King Street Cycles Monday Night Ladies MTB Ride - July 17

Not sure if the trail conditions will be dry enough for a ride tonight. Hopefully we will be able to make it out. The ride will either be at:

I will make a call by 5:00. If trail conditions permit, the ride will leave at 6:30.

Some details about the rides:

  • The ride leaves at 6:30pm, unless otherwise communicated. Try to arrive at least 5-10 minutes earlier to make sure you and your bike are ready and to get organized into your ride group.

  • Groups will be divided according to pace. There will be a pre-assigned leader for each group. (Typically we split into 2 to 3 groups, depending on the number of participants.)

  • All participants need to be in good health. We will follow public health guidelines.

  • All riders need to have a bike in working order, wear a helmet and be self-sufficient in terms of tools, tubes, water and snacks.

  • Participants need to sign-up for the ride in advance. This will give us a general idea of how many people are riding, the number of groups needed as well as emergency contact information. A new form will be made available each week. You cannot sign up for future weeks in advance.


If you are not already a member of the King Street Cycles Club or WCC, you can obtain membership information here.

Members of both clubs need to sign a King Street Cycles waiver, once a year. All members are eligible to receive a 10% discount on in stock parts and accessories from King Street Cycles throughout the season.

Hopefully we are able to ride tonight.


The Snyder’s side of the Hydrocut is open!!!

Calm and Casual group is leaving from the Snyder’s lot at 6pm.

Moderate and Magnificent/Fast and Furious will leave from the Snyder’s lot at 6:30pm.

Hope to see you there!