Thanks everyone!! We now have enough volunteers - thanks for your support and see you tomorrow!!
As part of our Lead mandate, the Club is holding our annual Spring cleanup of Hessen Strasse on Saturday April 20th. Hessen Strasse has been a big part of the Club’s Tuesday rides for many years and keeping it tidy is one way we can give back to our local community.
We’re looking for volunteers to help with the litter pickup as well as folks who’d like to make a pot of chili or bake some treats to support the event.
We need 10 to 12 people for each of two litter pickup shifts (9-11 am and 11 -1), with lunch provided after each shift.
Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear and we’ll provide safety vests and a safety brief before starting.
Sign up below….
Hello, unfortunately I cannot take a day off on the Saturday April 20th from work, but I would love to bring some cookies and other treats. If you provide me with the address to bring I will do so on Friday 19th. Thank you, Rei
Unfortunately I cannot attend this year’s cleanup…I’m officiating at the road race that weekend and have too much to do that day.
Hope you have a great turnout … this is an important community service we provide. It has been a few years since we’ve cleaned up and I’m sure there is a fair bit of trash to pick-up.
Just want to say thanks to everyone who comes out.
This is part of our LEAD MISSION at the club.
Many of you may not know the story of why we did this.
The Bamberg loop (of which Hessen Strasse is half the route)…was…is…and always will be…one of the most famous routes in the Club. The Canadian Nationals were held on this route. Every Tuesday Night we ride this route.
We chose this section because of the Big Crash of 2012. Where we were training a group of learn-to-ride members in a rotating paceline and had an interaction with a motorist resulting in an incident that put people in the hospital. That’s putting it diplomatically and lightly. We took on the challenge facing the club and its members and took a delegation to Regional Council to get the bylaws changed to prevent it from happening again. Hence the genesis of the “LEAD in the communities in which we ride” initiatives began and introduced our Ride Guide and Ride Leadership program which was eventually presented and adopted by the OCA as a leading example for the other 100 OCA clubs in the province. @Carolyn_Smith@bdoberst@bill@Scott and many…many others lead and embody this club VALUE to this day.
It’s about given back. We all come from every part of the Region to ride on these roads. The adopt a road activity, the big THIS ROAD ADOPTED BY THE Waterloo Cycling Club sign…and helping motorist along as we ride…sends a message to the community, one resident at a time…that we care and thanks for sharing the road.
Plus…the things YOU FIND at the side of the road !!! I remember someone finding a $100 bill one year.