Well, I signed up for the the 130 km distance of this race back in December of 2019, but 21 months after registration it’s finally happening on Saturday September 25th. There are 65 km, 130 km, and 200 km distances and it’s in Warkworth, about 2.5 hours east of here. Is anyone else interested? The first cyclocross race of the season is the day after so this should be a good opener .
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It looks like I can defer my entry until 2022 (this race is normally in late June) so I’ll most likely do that given how busy the fall already looks. There is a small chance I may still do this anyways because it looks like fun.
I’m on the fence right now. I should save myself for cowbell cx the next day, but then historically I’ve always had not a great race at cowbell, so why not?
But likely I’d be thinking of the shorter 60 km option.
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