"Optional" label on forum invitation confusing

It is typical for sign in / sign up forms for red asterisk to mean a field is mandatory. On a couple of the fields we have both asterisk and a comment saying label.

As well, even though they say optional, they seem to be mandatory.

Thank you for pointing this out. Having never received an invitation myself I did not know. Should have tested this.

So … it is optional because you can sign in with your Google account instead of using a password, but that is not clear in the invitation. I will look into editing the invitation.

If you use a social sign-on to login (Google), your account does not require a password be set. If using an unconnected email account, those fields are required.

I may be mistaken, but I thought the accept button was disabled until I supplied all three values for the unconnected account.

It seemed there was no other way to proceed without accepting.

Regardless, it wasn’t clear for me. Just some feedback…

When I signed up via my phone I did not see the Google sign on button (it may have been buried I suppose). Some will prefer it - one less password to remember - but it should be visible.

I did see it on login via computer to the far right.

It may have been a consequence of the invitation mode versus open sign-up. We can take a look at it. My account is Google connected and I don’t have any password set, so I know it is possible.

My account is also Google connected.

Clearly we need to look at this more.

I created an invite for one of my secondary emails. It looks like the registration via invitation doesn’t allow you to sign-up via the Social Sign-On methods. It forces you to type an email and password. You can always connect to a Google account afterwards in your profile, but that misses the point of having the convenience in the first place. It was intended to make the transition from Google Groups to Discourse simpler for members as they already needed a Google account to participate in the Groups.

And like Bill said, name shows up as both optional and required, but I was able to submit the form with it left blank. Seems like a Discourse bug. I’ll comb through some of the settings to see if this is something we can control or not.

With the registration open (not by invite only) a user has the choice of typing an email or using the Social Sign-On (i.e., Google) to register. Like I said in my earlier post, I didn’t need to set a password that way.

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We will need to look into this more before we decide how to open this up to all club members.

Another option is an email can be sent out manually with a link and with our explanation in the text of the email what the options are. I am also not sure what happens when you click on the link. Do you get the option to sign in with Google that way? Need to confirm this.