Hi all - I’m newish to riding and looking forward to finding others to ride with. Will there be recreational rides going out in the next month? Keen to get off my turbo and outside as the weather warms! Also are there women’s only road rides?
Hi there.
You might want to also join the women only section.
I am new this year too. I am doing the gravel rides but one thing I have learned is that what is recreational riding for some folks at WCC is not the same recreational ride I’m looking for. Lol
You might want to specify distance and average speed when looking for similar riders.
Just my 2 cents from my short time here.
You should join the learn to group ride sessions on Wednesday evenings. It’s a great ride and ride leaders teach safe road riding techniques, how to ride properly within a group, signal etc. It’s a great foundation and gives you the skills to be able to really take advantage of the other rides the club offers.
Thank you Patti! Helpful advice. I’m definitely worried I may not find others that are my pace. Will try the women’s section. Gravel bike is on next years purchase list so hopefully I’ll eventually join you there!
I certainly plan to do those. Have they started up already? I’ve done a bit of group riding (at a camp in Mallorca) but need more practice.
@KGale Do you know the Wednesday LTGR schedule?
There’s something for everybody skill wise/fitness wise within the club. Members also form “unofficial” rides as well. It’s a great group.
Yes, we are so fortunate to have a wide variety of rides on offer and thankful for enthusiastic club members that see a need and create rides to meet them!
Learn To Group Ride kicks off with an in person Orientation presentation at RIM Park May 3rd starting at 6:30pm Room 207/208. The following Wednesdays will be on bike instructions out of RIM Park to develop our group riding skills.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Hello Catalytic, I joined the club last year and have been going for recreational rides with the group. I am looking for a person who is interested going for a ride on Mondays morning or early afternoon. If you are interested, please let me know. Thank you Rei
Hi Reí -
It would great to ride and Monday afternoons work for me! Reach out any time.
I’ll try to be there Kerry! Looking forward to meeting more riders
I do have some group experience as I’m recently back from a cycling camp in Mallorca but it will be good to learn the clubs signals etc.