Best Hills for Hill Repeat Training

@gmerritt Thanks!

I’m gonna keep adding recollections and relevant club history to this thread to keep people thinking of options.

We have THREE (3) KNOWN club members who have successfully achieved a EVERESTING attempt at the club using local roads.

Morten Schmidt first did it on his MTB on the aforementioned “Horror Hill” on August 15, 2015.

I went out to take pictures of him for the club forum… and still have a few of them.

  1. Next was Adam Myers who responded to Morten’s attempt and did his attempt at Pinnacle Drive in Kitchener. I remember a few of us cut off work to drive out there and cheer him on. I remember his entire family was out there bringing food and encouraging him.

Keep in mind 8,849M in one shot on a small local hill takes an entire day…like 12-15hrs non-stop of climbing. And of course depending on the length and elevation (do the math) can be 100’s of times up and down the same hill for mind-numbing hour after hour from morning to night. I remember Adam struggling for days afterward. It takes that much out of you.

  1. And finally, our very own @Emily_driedger did it last year !!! Up the escapement in Hamilton. Emily just joined the club last year, and is currently one of the strongest riders in the club. I’d invite her to say a few words about that experience last year.

All of this to say…we may not have huge hills. But, we have huge hearts. And we celebrate everyone’s challenges and wins.

One hill at a time.


Thanks Alain! These are so inspiring! I can’t imagine everesting up a hill around here (or anywhere) - so much mental effort on top of the physical. Respect to all these riders!


As Gaelen suggested, the climbs within sight of he Milton velodrome are excellent…Appleby Line, Bell School Line, Rattlesnake Point, etc. You can do a 6 km lap (Derry rd/Tremaine rd–>Bell School Line–>14 Side rd–>Derry rd/Tremaine rd) and get in 110m of climbing each lap.