Looking for entry level gravel bike for 5'6" female

Looking for leads on an entry level gravel bike for my daughter in the $1000-2000 price range…

Gravel roads in the Woolwich area, G2G trail etc.

She’s about 5’6" tall…

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Hi Petee,
I’ve been debating with myself about selling my 2021 Kona Rove, size 50 on Claris groupset.
(I’m 5’6” with a slightly longer torso, but we can swap out the 90mm stem for the original 80, same with the saddle.)

It has probably somewhere between 1500-2000 km on it. I put about 500km from group rec rides and some commuting. So definitely good to go on the normal trails around here.

It’ll be under $1000 for sure. I’m the 2nd owner.

It may need a brake check (squeaked a little last Friday) and there is chain rub chip on the chain stay by 1st owner.

I want to sell it because I’m not really using it to commute, the main reason I bought it. But I find I do a lot more e-scooter around town for errands. And I have a Trek Domane that covers the same activities with better gearing (especially for the group rides).
… and I want a better excuse to maybe upgrade to a 1x steel/titanium gravel bike! N+1, right?! :sweat_smile:

Let me know, cheers!

She said she’d be interested in taking a look at it… She’s home this week for reading week.

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Ok cool! :ok_hand::+1:
Pm me for address and times that work for you.
Most late afternoon early evenings works for me (except Tuesday). Cheers!