Kelso CX - Sept 26

Okay, there’s been lots of talk about attending Kelso. This coming Tuesday who’s interested? I got the all clear to go, so I’ll be in the 7:30 race.

Don’t forget to register the DAY BEFORE BY 4 PM. Do so here.

Who else is going to be there? @Francqlife? I think Scott W, Matt B, Sabrina and Valentina are going, so it’s a good group so far.


I’m travelling this week. Next week for sure !


I can’t make it this week, but am planning to race the B race at 7:30 next week :biking_man:

Just registered! Have no idea what I signed up mysrlf for :smile:


Which category did you sign up for?
@Sabrina @valentinacastilloc what category are you signing up for?

Beginner, I think

Sure, I think I’m going to sign up for the later race, driving from work in Guelph. Let’s see if I can get proper CX tires seated and happy for tomorrow…

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Awesome! I’m also in the “expert” race, well, I’ll be at the back of it.

I just installed tires on some new wheels…time to go for a spin and see if they stay put. Better figuring this stuff out now instead of at the first O-Cup.

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Registered for the Novice category :grimacing: Hope my legs show up!


I signed up for the novice category :blush:

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I signed up for the sport category.

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I am signed up for beginner for the entire series! Looking forward to meeting people on the team!


I took some pictures from yesterday and I put them in this album. I think you are able to upload yours if you want to.

Thanks for such a great night! I had so much fun :smiling_face:!


Added my photos


Thank you @MarkW for getting us organized for this one! It was a lot of fun! And thank you for very useful tips on how to navigate sections of the course!
@KGale @valentinacastilloc @Sabrina @AmyB and @Arlambert thank you for your support and great pictures!
Looking forward to doing it again when mud arrives :joy:


Last night was a blast, I really have missed the Kelso series. So glad everyone else had fun.

It’s really neat to see videos of us at Kelso. The “spiral of death” is my least favorite part, but it looks great in a video with all the riders flying by in different directions.


Well…I’m feeling a bit dumb lol. Turns out it was not a pedal problem at all. It seems I lost a bolt in my left cleat. I was wondering why sometimes it worked and sometimes I couldn’t get in or out, now I know lol

At least you figured it out. Loose cleats sure would make it hard to unclip. Get another bolt in there and make sure the others are tight. Mechanicals happen to all of us. Maybe see you Sunday.