Arm sling for shoulder issues

My search might sound a little weird but I am really looking for an arm sling that sb. doesn’t need anymore. I have separated my shoulder and require surgery and am not allowed to hop back onto my bike for another 2-3 months but tried using my indoor trainer today. It went very well but the sling was dripping wet afterwards. So I was thinking of getting an additional one that I can exclusively use on the trainer so that my regular one will still look and smell representable. Anyone?

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I will drop one off at yours this week.

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Thank you, that’s awesome.

I don’t have one to share right now but the neck and cuff style I used for broken collarbone had minimal contact compared to full sling during heat wave last year but supported arm.

Hi Folks, I too have one not being used, for anyone else needing. Broke my collar bone (typical right?) and this was bought from the hospital. Cheers

Thank you. I had surgery yesterday and they gave me a second one. I am all set now.